It is the dish that you can always enjoy or can have as a side dish. The belly is perfectly tender since it has been well seasoned. It is also tasty if you have it with the warm steamed rice or the rice seasoned with shrimp paste.

500 grams belly
150 grams palm sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 spring onions
A half of an onion
1 cup water
½ teaspoon Meakrua Gold Label® Soya Sauce Formula 1
1 teaspoon Gold Label® Seasoning Sauce, Yellow Label
1 tablespoon oil
½ teaspoon black soy sauce

1.Finely slice the half of the onion into small pieces, and stir the pieces with the oil until they become yellow. After that, add pieces of chopped belly, and rough chopped spring onions. Stir them for moment, and add the water.
2.Wait until the belly is ripe and tender. Season with sugar, salt, and Meakrua Gold Label® Soya Sauce Formula 1, and Gold Label® Seasoning Sauce, Yellow Label; and keep stirring until the water is dried out. Taste it before adding black soy sauce for seasoning and making it more pleasant. Finally, it can be served with the warm steamed rice.